Windows 95, 98 and ME Logon (& Other) Password Recovery FreewareIt's well known that the security for Windows 9X is a joke. It's so much a joke that I haven't bothered to understand it..Ahem. I hope to learn more, but at this point this is what I've found.
Name - Cain & Abel (PWL File Revealer Feature)
Download URL - Developer - OS - Windows 95 - ME File Size - 5.22 MB Supported Software Versions or File Systems - FAT32 (and FAT16) Developer Provided Description - "Keeping track of multiple passwords can be a problem for users. Often, they either forget the passwords or write them down and keep lists of passwords near their computers. Windows 95/98 solves this problem by storing passwords for resources in a password list file (.PWL). If password caching is enabled (default) and a user types and saves a password when connecting to a password-protected resource, Windows 95/98 will cache the password in the password list file. Windows 95/98 comes with an administration utility called Password List Editor (PWLEDIT). It allows you to view the resources listed in a user's password list file but It does not allow you to view the actual passwords. If problems are encountered using a cached password you can only remove specific password entries without knowing if the password was the real problem. PWLEDIT works only if the password list file is unlocked, that is, if the user is logged on. It can be used to view the contents of the logged-on user's password list file only, so it should be executed on the user's computer.
On the contrary, Cain allows you to view all cached resources and relative passwords in clear text either from locked or unlocked password list files. That means all the passwords stored in external .PWL files can be viewed even if you are not logged-on with that file." Comment - I can't test this since I don't have a Win 98 machine. The Windows XP version works great.
Name - Windows 9X PassView
Download URL - Developer - Not currently available. May be added later. OS - Windows 95 - ME File Size - 19 KB Supported Software Versions or File Systems - FAT32 (and FAT16) Developer Provided Description - "The Windows 9X PassView utility reveals several passwords stored on your computer by the Windows 95/98 operating system. They include the user name and the password of the current logged-on user, the passwords of your network shares, the password of the screen saver and the cached passwords (if any) off the current user." Comment - I can't test this since I don't have a Win 98 machine.
Name - 123 Write All Stored Passwords (WASP)
Download URL - ActMon-Wasp-Setup.exe Developer - ActMon Software OS - Windows 95 - ME File Size - 1.8MB Supported Software Versions or File Systems - FAT32 (and FAT16) Developer Provided Description - "WASP displays all passwords of the currently logged in user that are stored in the Microsoft PWL file password database. It allows the convenient management (i.e. supervision and /or deletion) of this file to improve the security / privacy of your PC. It is also very useful for educational purposes about computer security . The documentation also contains general information about the PWL files and their security. This software is designed for Win 95 / 98 . (Note: this tool only shows the password of the user that is currently logged in. It cannot be used to reveal passwords that you are not authorized for.) Not for Windows NT/2000!" Comment - I can't test this since I don't have a Win 98 machine.
Name - PW Cache
Download URL - Developer - Camtech 2000 OS - Win95/98/Me File Size - 116 Kb Supported Software Versions or File Systems - FAT16/32 Developer Provided Description - "This is a password protected program that retrieves all the passwords that Windows stores for you. Shows what it's for, type, user name and password. Ability to save and print the list. Will not decrypt passwords that are encrypted by Windows." Comment - I can't test this since I don't have a Win 98 machine.
Name - PWL-Key
Download URL - DOWNLOAD/pwl_key.arj Developer - Artur Ivanov OS - DOS, Windows File Size - 8.39 KB Supported Software Versions or File Systems - FAT16/32 Developer Provided Description - "A command-line utility, tests all possible keys and finds the matching password with guarantee." Comment - I can't test this since I don't have a Win 98 machine.
Name - Glide 
Download URL - Developer - Frank Andrew Stevenson OS - DOS, Windows File Size - 14.1 KB Supported Software Versions or File Systems - FAT16, FAT32 Developer Provided Description - "A command-line utility, decrypts some of the shared resources in .pwl file, doesn't find the password." Comment - I can't test this since I don't have a Win 98 machine.
Name - PWLView 1.0 
For original version, see here Download URL - Original version is here: Developer - Vitas Ramanchauskas and Eugene Korolev (now LastBit Software) OS - Windows 95/98 File Size - 29.8 KB Supported Software Versions or File Systems - FAT16/32 Developer Provided Description - "Usually Windows saves passwords (like dial-up passwords) in pwl files (PWL means PassWord List). Click here to read more about PWL files. Having an access to the computer, you can acquire all passwords which had been saved in it. This can be done with PWLView program. Run it on any computer under Windows 95/98, and it will show all cached passwords stored in user's PWL file along with user's login information. (User must be logged in).
Notes: If login password is unknown or PWL file is copied from another computer you need to use another program: PWLTool. Also please note that PWLView is console Win32 application and looks like dos program (as well as all other console applications). As a result it is really small and does not require for huge external DLLs." Comment - I can't test this since I don't have a Win 98 machine.
Name - Passwordlist-Viewer Screenshot Not Available Download URL - Developer - Martin Seelhofer OS - Win9x File Size - 29.1 KB Supported Software Versions or File Systems - FAT16?/FAT32 Developer Provided Description - "Simple utility to view cached passwords (of the currently logged in User) saved in the corresponding pwl file. It really is interesting how many passwords are saved over time and sometimes even without notice.." Comment - I can't test this since I don't have a Win 98 machine.
Name - Network Share Brute Forcer v3.1 
Download URL - Developer - OS - Windows 9X/NT/2000/XP and Linux File Size - 170 KB Supported Software Versions or File Systems - FAT32/NTFSDeveloper Provided Description - "I made this password cracker before we knew about the bug in Windows 9x/ME that made it possible to gain access to folders only knowing the first character. This means that it actually attacks the share using pure brute forcing (or dictionary attack, depending on your settings..)
This sucks because it has to try a helluva lot of passwords, but it's also great, since it doesn't exploit the "share level" bug, it works on Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP and Linux running Samba!
The oldest of my password crackers is the one that's the least obsolete. Ironic, isn't it? :)
I tried it against a share I've got on a Linux box here, and it tried somewhere around 165 passwords per second. It's not too shabby, it's just that a good password (lots of characters, special characters, etc.) will take forever to crack. It's good fun, though.
I can remember when I first made this program. We used to attend different LAN parties, and people usually had some shares that only their closest friends was supposed to have access on. The thing was, they never had any strong passwords, just a couple of characters long, so this program was cool at the time.
Then came WNNSRPR, and a little later Gahnomen, and they were even cooler! :)
And then Microsoft made a patch. And released Windows 2000. And they became obsolete. So now we're back at step one. " Comment - Not currently available. May be added later.
Name - Gahnomen v1.5 
Download URL - Developer - OS - Windows 9X/ME File Size - 266 KB Supported Software Versions or File Systems - FAT16?/32 Developer Provided Description - "OK. So here's the world famous Gahnomen software! Woohoo!
This program enumerates all shared folders on your LAN, then tries to get access to them, and if they're password protected, it shows you the password. There's one problem, though. It exploits an old bug in Windows 95/98/ME that allows users to gain access knowing only the first character in the password. Microsoft has made a patch. This means that it only works on unpatched Win9x/ME machines.. and since most people have migrated to NT-based versions of Windows, this software is oh-so-obsolete. :)
Anywho, here it is. In the good ol' days this was a fun program on local LAN parties. Maybe someone will find it useful.. I don't know." Comment - Works only on unpatched Windows 9X/ME systems.
Name - Windows Network Neighborhood Shared Resource Password Recovery v2.3
Download URL - Developer - OS - Windows 9X/ME File Size - 266 KB Supported Software Versions or File Systems - FAT16?/32Developer Provided Description - "Now, how's that for a catchy software name, huh?
This does about the same as Gahnomen, the only difference is that in this program you specify a computer you want access to, instead of collecting a list from the Network Neighborhood-thingy. " Comment - Works only on unpatched Windows 9X/ME systems.