Misc. Tools to Try for PowerPoint Recovery
Name - Corrupt MS Office 2007-2013 Extractor 
Download URL - http://sourceforge.net/projects/ crrptoffcxtrctr/files Developer - Ccy, S2 Services, Paul Pruitt OS - NA File Size - 1.42 MB Developer Provided Description - "Corrupt Office 2007-2013 Extractor will extract the text/data from corrupt docx, xlsx, and pptx files where the respective MS Office files error out and refuses to open. In advanced mode the program can fix the zip structure of these new "Office Open" format files, a step which I now recommend despite our dissuasive blurb which comes up when you start that function. Advanced mode also allows recovering images and if you are familiar with XML, includes is a basic XML editor for editing corrupt XML which might be causing the docx, xlsx or pptx corruption." Comments - None Yet
Name - Corrupt Office Salvager 
Download URL - http://godskingsandheroes.info/ software/zip_files/ corrupt_office_salvager_setup_1.0.exe Developer - S2 Services/Paul Pruitt OS - Windows File Size - 48.56 MB Developer Provided Description - "Corrupt office2txt - Brings together my (that is socrtwo's - Paul Pruitt's) other corrupt MS Office & Open Office recovery projects providing one GUI with two methods of recovering text from corrupt MS Office (97-2003 & 2007/2010 formats) and OO files as well as one method for recovering full OO files." Comments - None Yet
Name - Corrupt PPTX Salvager 
Download URL - http://sourceforge.net/projects/ pptxrecovery/files Developer - S2 Services / Paul Pruitt OS - Windows File Size - 12.02 MB Developer Provided Description - "The biggest cause of corruption of pptx corruption appears to be zip problems. This GUI uses a somewhat corruption immune unzipper, 7zip. 7zip sometimes succeeds in extracting the slide xml files that contain the text from corrupt pptx files where PowerPoint 2007 and 2010 fail with their built in unzipper. Furthermore Corrupt PPTX Salvager uses regular expressions to extract the text from these slide XML files rather than getting hung up on correct XML structure as PowerPoint seems to oddly do during recovery attempts. So sometimes when PowerPoint signals an unreadable XML error, this program still extract useful text. Also a recent improvement is adding a zip repair pretreatment using InfoZip's zip.exe -FF command and an alternatives menu with additional ppt and pptx resources. Corrupt_pptx2txt is based on Pptx to Text converter by Sopan Shewale. His project is hosted on Sourceforge. Sopan's project is further based on Sandeep Kumar's docx2txt which is also found here." Comments - None Yet
Name - DocToText 
Download URL - http://silvercoders.com/download/ doctotext-0.13.0-win32.tar.bz2 Developer - SilverCoders OS - Linux, Windows, or Mac OS X File Size - 2.49 MB Developer Provided Description - "DocToText is a powerful utility that can convert documents in many formats to plain text. The package, available to users for free on open source GPL license, includes console application and C/C++ library, that allows embedding text extraction mechanism into other application. The utility supports MS Office binary formats: MS Word (DOC), MS Excel (XLS), MS PowerPoint (PPT), Rich Text Format (RTF), OpenDocument (also known as ODF and ISO/IEC 26300, full name: OASIS Open Document Format for Office Applications): text documents (ODT), spreadsheets (ODS), presentations (ODP) and Office Open XML (ISO/IEC 29500, also called OOXML, OpenXML or MSOOXML) documents: MS Word (DOCX), MS Excel (XLSX), MS PowerPoint (PPTX). Extracting plain text from doc, xls, ppt, rtf, odt, ods, odp, docx, xlsx and pptx files can be used for a lot of things like searching, indexing or archiving. DocToText can be also used as a fast console viewer. DocToText is able to convert corrupted OpenDocument and Office Open XML documents. It can be used to recover text even if other recovery methods failed." Comments - None Yet
Name - Lalim PowerPoint Image Recovery 
Download URL - http://software-files-a.cnet.com/ s/software/10/44/25/83/Ppsextla.zip Developer - Lalim Software OS - Windows 95/Me/2000/XP File Size - 17.57 KB Developer Provided Description - "With this utility you can convert your PowerPoint documents to JPEG files. It can automate thousands of image extractions in a single click. You can also drag-and-drop the whole folder from Windows Explorer." Comments - None Yet
Name - ppthtml 
Download URL - xlHtm040.zip (Real DOS), xlHtml-Win32-040.zip (Command prompt NT - XP) Developer - Steve Grubb OS - DOS(9X)/Command Prompt (NT-XP) File Size - 113 KB (CMD Prompt) 170 KB (Real DOS) Supported Software Versions or File Systems - All PowerPoint Developer Provided Description - "Outputs Power Point files as Html." Comment - Part of the xlHtml distribution. |