Other Database & Office Suite Password Recovery Freeware
Name - Enterprise Manager PassView 
Download URL - http://www.nirsoft.net/utils/empv.zip Developer - NirSoft OS - Windows 98/ME/NT/2000/XP File Size - 20 KB Supported Software Versions or File Systems - SQL Server 7.0 and SQL Server 2000. Developer Provided Description - "Enterprise Manager is a graphical tool that allows you to easily configure and manage your SQL Server. If you connect your SQL Server by using the SQL Server authentication, and you don't select the "Always prompt for login name and password" option, the password and the user-name are stored on your Registry. This utility enumerates all servers registered in your Enterprise Manager, and reveals the user-names and the passwords, if they are stored on your computer. It supports the Enterprise Manager of SQL Server 7.0 and SQL Server 2000." Comment - Not currently available. May be added later.
Name - Oracle Password Cracker 
Download URL - http://www.trantechnologies.com/ pass_cracker.zip Developer - Bead Dang, Tran Technologies, LTD OS - Windows 98/ME/NT/2000/XP , Linux File Size - 5.28 KB Supported Software Versions or File Systems - Oracle 8/8i Developer Provided Description - "Cracks the Oracle password given a specific hash. Reveals weak passwords. Use to enforce security standards." Comment - Three SQL scripts for cracking weak passwords. Compares generated passwords and their hashes to hash retrieved from database.
Download URL - http://www.byronref.com/ rmb/pxunsec.zip Developer - Randy Beck Software Services OS - DOS - Win 2003 File Size - 160 KB Supported Software Versions or File Systems - For Paradox Tables and Databases. See Below. Developer Provided Description - "The PXUNSEC and PXDAZZ programs exploit an old flaw in Paradox security to decode encrypted Paradox tables without knowing the password.
PXUNSEC.EXE will quickly decrypt Paradox tables, and PXDAZZ.EXE will find a working password. While PXUNSEC will not work with some Paradox 5 and 7 tables, PXDAZZ.EXE can be used for virtually all. These are small DOS utilities with a simple command-line interface." Comment - Not currently available. May be added later.
Name - Paradox Tables Password Finder 
Download URL - http://www.rksolution.cz/ Delphi/pxpassw.zip Developer - Randy Beck Software Services OS - Windows 98/ME/NT/2000/XP at least File Size - 160 KB Supported Software Versions or File Systems - For Paradox Tables "version 3.0 and above." Developer Provided Description - "Forgot your Paradox table master password? Then you would have been in serious troubles if there were not this new highly useful utility that will find the lost password for you. Just tell the program where your tables are located and press "Start" button on the main form. Works with Paradox table versions 3.0 (!) and above" Comment - Not currently available. May be added later.
Download URL - WpcracKB.zip Developer - No Information available OS - DOS, Windows all versions File Size - 8.92 KB Supported Software Versions or File Systems - WordPerfect 5.0Description - "WPCRACK recovers the password from a password protected WordPerfect file. Usage: WPCRACK [] The most common character in the original (unprotected) file may be entered as a decimal value. It defaults to 0. If 0 doesn't work, try 32 (ASCII space). Example: WPCRACK C:\WP51\CIPHERED" Comment - Scroll down to the bottom of the page to find the program. I couldn't get it to work with Lotus 123 9. It may require Lotus 3 or 4 to be installed to actually work.
Name - Unseal.exe 
Download URL - UNSEAL.EXE Developer - WARR Computer Consultants OS - DOS, Windows 9x File Size - 7KB Supported Software Versions or File Systems - Lotus 1-2-3 Description - "[Lotus 123] WK3/4 spreadsheets use two types of password protection. "Seal" passwords may prevent changes to certain areas of a file once it is opened, and "save" passwords are used to prevent a file being opened at all without the password.
"Seal" passwords are quite easy to discover and Richard Warr's freeware Unseal.exe utility continues to offer a quick and simple solution to discover them. To be honest it's only half a dozen lines of code and we were saddened to see a normally reputable company selling a similar product for $75." Comment - Scroll down to the bottom of the page to find the program. I couldn't get it to work with Lotus 123 9. It may require Lotus 3 or 4 to be installed to actually work.