Paradox Database Recovery ToolsMany free tools here.

Download URL - Download Here Developer - Software with Brains, Inc OS - Windows File Size - 373 KB Supported Software Versions or File Systems - Paradox Developer Provided Description - "SWBPdxRegen allows you to give your customers a way to regenerate indexes for Paradox tables where the indexes have been deleted, or damaged beyond repair." Comment - None

Download URL - Download Here Developer - Roman Krejci OS - Windows File Size - 199 KB Supported Software Versions or File Systems - Paradox version 2.60 or higher Developer Provided Description - - "Pdxrbld (Ver 4.42) : (Updated July-1-2005) Pdxrbld is an utility for checking and repairing Paradox tables. The code depends mostly on using TUTILITY (INPRISE). As an extension, Pdxrbld fixes two additional error types that TUTILITY either does not detect or leaves unfixed - namely infamous "VAL file out of date" error that prevents the table from being opened and "corrupted autoincrement generator" error. The corrupted autoincrement generator manifests itself as key violation in case new record is being added to the table with unique key on autoincrement field. Pdxrbld handles tables protected with master password, includes option to pack tables and supports header borrow and orphans detection/removal features. Supported Paradox versions are those above 4 inclusive (does not work with Paradox 3.5 and less). 16-bit version does not work with Paradox table levels above 7 inclusive. See Readme file for additional information. The source presented can be compiled by all Delphi versions." Comment - None

Download URL - Paradox Table Repair (Packaged EXE) Developer - Borland OS - Windows File Size - 28 KB Supported Software Versions or File Systems - Paradox version 7.x or less Developer Provided Description - "This program will verify and rebuild Paradox version 7.x or less tables. This application is also available via BC++ 5.0 OWL and CBuilder source code." Comment - This is a native Borland program. It requires the files vcl30.dpl vcldb30.dpl vclx30.dpl to be stored in / Windows/system Folder. Those Delphi derived files can be found here.
Name - Paradox Table Repair (Stand-Alone) 
Download URL - Paradox Table Repair (Stand-Alone) Developer - Borland OS - MS DOS File Size - 256 KB Supported Software Versions or File Systems - Paradox version 4.x or less Developer Provided Description - "This DOS program will verify and rebuild Paradox version 4.x or less tables." Comment - This is a 16 Bit program.
Download URL - TUtility 5.0 (table repair DLL) Developer - Borland OS - Windows File Size - 101.34 KB Supported Software Versions or File Systems - FAT 16/32 Developer Provided Description - Comment - Table repair dll needed by Pdxrbld.exe and maybe others.