Free MS Word Compatible ProcessorsYou can try opening your corrupt Word file in another word processor and hope it won't be as finicky. In addition to those listed in this section, please take a look at the free Office suites page in this site as they all include a Word processor that will open Word documents (there are about 5 of them including Open Office).
Name - Open Office

Download URL - OpenOffice Developer - Sun Microsystem OS - Windows 98/ME/2000(Service Pack 2 or higher)/XP/2003, Solaris 8 OS or higher, Linux kernel version 2.2.13 or higher, glibc2 version 2.2.0 or higher File Size - Windows: 75 MB | Windows JRE: 90 MB | Linux: 102 MB | Solaris (S): 104 MB | Solaris (X86): 95 MB Supported Software Versions or File Systems - FAT 16/32, NTFS, EXT2, EXT3 Developer Provided Description - " is both an open-source application and project. It is free. The product is a multi-platform office productivity suite fully compatible with all major file formats." Comment - The first trick I learned for corrupt file recovery is to try to open say a Microsoft Word file in the corresponding Open Office program and in other Office suites. 
Name - ThinkFree Office Online

Download URL - Developer - ThinkFree Corporation OS - Any as long as you have a compatible browser it'll work. File Size - Information is not provided Supported Software Versions or File Systems - Any as long as you have a compatible browser it'll work. Developer Provided Description - "Have you ever wanted to edit an Excel spreadsheet on a Linux system? Have you ever wanted to show your colleagues a presentation on a computer not equipped with PowerPoint? Would you like to be able to add the interactivity of spreadsheets and presentations to your blog? How about accessing your Word documents from across the Internet and around the world? With ThinkFree Office Online, new from ThinkFree, Inc., you can do all this and more." Comment - Wow, since this uses Java, you can use it from any OS or system that has a browser. You can quickly set up and try to open a corrupt Word, Excel or PowerPoint file wherever you happen to be as long as you have an Internet connection.
Name - AbiWord

Download URL - Developer - SourceGear Corporation & AbiWord Community OS - "Currently we run on most UNIX systems, Windows 95 and later, QNX Neutrino 6.2. We also have a MacOS X native port available. There used to be a BeOS port, but that version has been unmaintained for too long and support for it has been discontinued." File Size - 5.03 MB Windows version Supported Software Versions or File Systems - Any as long as you have a compatible browser it'll work. Developer Provided Description - "Like most Open Source projects, AbiWord started as a cathedral, but has become more like a bazaar. AbiWord is part of a larger project known as AbiSource, which was started by the SourceGear Corporation. The goal of the project was the development of a cross-platform, Open Source office suite beginning with AbiWord, the project's word processor.
SourceGear released the source code to AbiWord and a developer community quickly formed around the project. SourceGear has since then stopped working on the project.
The developer community has since then continued to make improvements and increase the quality of AbiWord. Version 1.0 was released in April 2002, followed by Version 2.0 in September 2003, 2.2 in December 2004 and 2.4 in September 2005. " Comment - Great freeware word processor.
Name - TextShield

Download URL - Developer - ? OS - 95/98/ME/NT4/2000/XP File Size - 1.54 MB Supported Software Versions or File Systems - at least Word 6.0/95. Higher versions of Word available if you have those version of Word installed on your system (it uses the Microsoft converters). Developer Provided Description - "TextShield is a free, compact word processor with a wealth of features. Besides those features available with most ordinary word processors, TextShield has many advanced (but easy-to-use) features. TextShield can compress files automatically using the popular ZIP compression, making them as much AS 95% smaller. TextShield saves files in the universal RTF format, or in plain text. TextShield is both a word processor and a plain text editor. For maximum interchangeability, TextShield has a build-in HTML converter and can save files as Microsoft Word, and other formats, using Microsoft converters. TextShield supports advanced formatting features, like hyperlinks, underlining styles, Rainbow Colors and even 3D Text. TextShield is compact and can easily fit a single 1.44Mb floppy disk (try installing Word on a floppy..). Finally all these features would be worthless without a good help system; So TextShield has a 6000 word help file explaining everything that could be difficult for the beginning user.." Comment - Corrupt Word files might open here. Select the All files (not "All supported files") under the File Open Drop Down Dialogue Box and say yes when it asks if it should convert the file to RTF.
Name - RoughDraft

Download URL - RDraft30.exe Developer - Richard Salsbury OS - Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP File Size - 1.2 MB Supported Software Versions or File Systems - Developer Provided Description - "RoughDraft is a freeware word processor for Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000 and XP. Although suitable for general use, it has features specifically designed for creative writing: novels, short stories, articles, plays and screenplays. It's designed to be as practical as possible, offering all the features you need, but without being complicated or awkward to use. Special modes for plays and screenplays which make formatting easy. A side panel that makes common operations quicker and more convenient. Instant backup of all open files to the device of your choice - a very convenient way to make sure you don't lose your work. Automatic creation of cover pages for manuscript submissions with word and page counts. Automatic insertion of user-defined words - for character names or commonly used words. Four extra clipboards for inserting longer phrases or paragraphs. A comprehensive but simple printing system, including a print preview that shows exactly how your work will look on the page. Creation of HTML files of your work for publishing on the web. Importing of files in Word 6.0, Word 97 and HTML formats. Up to 100 files open at the same time. Spellchecking. British and American English dictionaries are included. Dictionaries for many other languages can be downloaded. Live spellchecking that underlines misspelled words in red as you type. A custom spellchecking dictionary so you can add your own words. A dictionary and thesaurus facility (provided by Anthony Lewis' WordWeb program, which has to be installed separately - it's not required to run RoughDraft, but strongly recommended). Comprehensive text and paragraph formatting options. Saving of files in the popular Rich Text Format (RTF), meaning they can be opened in just about any other word processor. Full find and replace, including the ability to list all the matches in the current file or in a number of files. Font styles for quicker formatting. Shortcut keys for just about everything. A comprehensive help system.
RoughDraft is not designed to compete with major commercial word processors and does not provide the following features: Comment - As always, try to open a corrupt Word file in this free word processor. Whatever Microsoft filters you have should work here, including "Extract text from any file." Cool word processor.