Other Financial File Repair
Name - MICR Tools No screenshot available Download URL - http://sourceforge.net/projects/micrtools/files Developer - Michael Dowling OS - NA File Size - 11.65 KB Developer Provided Description - "MICR Tools is a java library dedicated to parsing check MICR data, repair of MICR, and other utilities for dealing with various MICR-related data. Check21-specific utilities include scanner character repair and an X9.37 compliant file framework." Comments - None Yet
Name - TradUtil 
Download URL - UtilityX86W32.exe Developer - Twaddle Software OS - ? File Size - 1.45 MB Supported Software Versions or File Systems - "Currently only the MetaStock format version 3.02 (AKA Classic format) is supported, with limited support for CompuTrac files."Developer Provided Description - "TradUtil Features TradUtil is an editor and repair tool for the CompuTrac and MetaStock 3.01 security pricing data formats. Both end-of-day and intraday file formats are supported. Manipulation of DOP files is supported for compatibility with the CompuTrac data format although many programs no-longer require these to be able to read and write the data. The front end has a file manager/explorer style front end which facilitates copying and moving of data files between directories. The utility uses a standard Windows MDI Interface to allow multiple editor and/or directory Windows to be open at one time. The utility is suitable for use with live data feeds. Important Notes- TradUtil is no-longer being tested on Windows 3.1x and Win32s so there may be more problems running in this environment.
EditingTradUtil has comprehensive editing facilities including: - File truncation from any record in the file
- File splitting
- Creation, duplication, movement and deletion of files in and between directories.
- Insert and deletion of records.
Files can be truncated in two ways. Firstly all the records up to the current one can be removed from the file. Alternatively all records after the file can be removed from the file. Testing and repairTradUtil has basic testing and repair facilities for both master and data files. Only one Master file or directory can be tested at a time. Testing does not work on systems running Windows 3.1x with Win32s. If you need these facilities you MUST use a true 32-bit operating system namely Windows 9X or Windows NT. Any errors except where data needs to be modified can be repaired automatically. However if you are doing this then you need to be sure that newer versions of the MetaStock format are not being used. TradUtil works with version 3.01 of the MetaStock format and does not know about any other versions. If you are not sure what version of the files you are using then DO NOT use the auto repair facility. Likewise where files are an inconsistent size TradUtil does its best to select the correct format of the file. It is entirely possible that it gets the format wrong. If prompted about inconsistent file sizes then be sure to have an up-to-date backup of both the data file and the master file before proceeding. Master FilesTests and repairs can be performed on the following errors: - Bad Master File Types
- Date Synchronization problems (inconsistent start and end dates)
- Missing DAT files
- Missing DOP files
- Inconsistent record lengths (Master file version of record length is not same as DAT file record length)
- Invalid DAT record lengths
- Invalid Data Formats
- Invalid Intraday Time-Base Specified
- Too Few Files reported in master file
- Too Many Files reported in master file
- Unknown File Format -its not a master file
Data FilesThe following errors can be reported and fixed (some manually) - Close < Low
- Close > High
- Corrupt Numbers
- Dates and Time out of order
- Dates out of order
- High < Low
- Invalid Dates
- Invalid Times
- Open < Low
- Open > High"
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