Corrupt Access Recovery Stepped ProceduresGood steps to try to recover you Access database.

Name - Serge Gavrilov's Access Database Repair Steps
Download URL - Serge Gavrilov's Access Database Repair Steps Developer - Serge Gavrilov OS - Windows 9X/Me/NT/2000/XP File Size - Not Applicable (Online Guide) Supported Software Versions or File Systems - All MS Access Versions Developer Provided Description - Comment - The free part is links to all Microsoft's Knowledge Base Articles on Access Database Repair.
Name - Corrupt Microsoft Access MDBs FAQ 
Download URL - access/corruptmdbs.htm Developer - Tony Toews OS - Windows 9X/Me/NT/2000/XP File Size - Not Applicable (Online Guide) Supported Software Versions or File Systems - All MS Access Versions Developer Provided Description - "Make a backup! Before doing anything else. Preferably on another computer or CDR as a there is a slight possibility the hard drive in question is failing.
A successful repair isn't sufficient to ensure your data is clean. I've personally seen a 120 Mb backend MDB repair just fine but both compacting and importing caused Access to puke on the same table. We had to restore from last nights backup. So you must compact it after repairing to ensure it's clean. Importing all the objects into a new MDB would be even better. Also see After successful repair import into new MDB" Comment - Nice set of links.
Name - To Retrieve your data from a Corrupt Microsoft Access MDB Screenshot Not Available Download URL - To Retrieve your data from a Corrupt Microsoft Access MDB Developer - Not specified OS - Not specified File Size - Not applicable Supported Software Versions or File Systems - MS Access Developer Provided Description - It may very well be that one, or more, objects are corrupt. Access gets through a ways importing into a new MDB and then pukes. Ignore that object and continue from the next one and keep on going. Then import that object, or objects, from a backup. This can be a pain though because you have to click on each object to import it. You can't do a shift+click to select a range of objects like you can in Windows Explorer. Thus you'll need to run through the objects collection in code. Comment - Not currently available. May be added later. |